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See what we are

working on

community outreach

Our goal is to be religious ambassadors in our community. We do this by speaking the gospel to those around us and by participating in open-air preaching in the refugee community.

Pastor training

Our organization works to bring pastors together to train them in the word of Christ. We then send them to other churches in the community who need a pastor. We also train our pastors in leadership and conversion skills.

Victim support

Many refugees, especially women, are forced to face multitudes of trauma. This could include the death of their spouse, separation from loved ones, or the death of a child. We work to help them live a better life by hosting support groups and individual counseling. Our goal is to alleviate trauma through the word of Christ.

evangelism and discipleship

Presently, our primary audience is the South Sudanese refugee community of Kakuma. We work to bring non-believers in our community to Christ. Our ultimate goal is to spread our efforts to all communities in need throughout Africa.

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